• Mission Statements
    • Our enterprise is dedicated to create tools and consulting services that help to develop Enterprise Architecture from a Zachman Framework viewpoint.
      • Why? Because we believe in the definition of Architecture: complete organization of the Body of knowledge
      • What for? because we need to break down the traditional organizational barriers
        • It is a fact that the different stakeholders in a organization interpret the observed reality in different ways and they have limitations on what information they can consume and understand: perspectives of the enterprise that use models to represent the Architecture, different ways of looking at artifacts (model views, )
        • But always sharing a fundamental structure in order to be able to manage the complete body of knowledge, we need conceptual representations of the Enterprise (metamodels, models, etc.)
      • We know that it will not take long to model all the body of knowledge and that they become very large and complex, because your organization and the information you are modeling is complex.
      • We also know that there will be times when you want to exclude some of this complexity, so that your audience can better understand their view.
    • We know that it is not going to be easy and fast, but we have chosen our path following a quote by Indira Gandhi: "My grandfather once told me, there are two kinds of people: those who do the work ... and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group, there was less competition there."
  • Objectives
    • To provide tools and consulting services to help the organizations to find the anonymous architects and helping them to leverage their knowledge and create a culture of explicit knowledge
    • To help the enterprise to reach the real business and IT alignment trough a solution concept to engineer the complete knowledge of the Enterprise
  • Contact us